A usual day in Jakarta. Thank goodness it was the other way TOWARDS Jakarta that was packed. Grabbed a quick brekkie at Starbucks in the 19th km rest area, and got some donuts for free. And I don't know why.

We arrived in Bandung right on schedule, like about 10.30ish or 11am. It was a beautiful and bright morning in Bandung. First stop...Toko Tidar :)

It's a small store, located in Jl. Sabang, which can be easily accessed from Jl. Riau (LLRE Martadinata). This store is a magical place, for me. It sells mainly everything that a design student needs (and wants). It was my first visit, and the owner (Tante Yuli, a.k.a "Tante Tidar") was so nice. She asked me if I went to Bandung JUST to go to her place or not. GAH! This is my new heaven. Tante Yuli also told me that there's a Pasar Seni (or "Art Market") that will be held at ITB Bandung on the 10th of the 10th (10th October 2010). COME AND JOIN! If I have the time, I would really loveee to go there!

Next stop. Happy-Go-Lucky! They were having 30% discount on selected items since Ramadhan, and so I bought a One and A Half asymmetrical shirt dress. I was in love with the Vivienne Westwood Ultragirl Bow (tortoise shell) shoe, butttt..I was saving money, so yeah..I didn't want to spend it on a VW Melissa shoe, but oh well..
Anyways, we had lunch at the Amaroossa Hotel. It's a one-year-old 4 starred boutique hotel (if I'm not mistaken) with a concept of Victorian-ish/La Vie En Rose type of style, and they have delicious food. They just opened their small cafe in Jakarta, located in Gandaria City, although the place is small, but I think it has a great atmosphere and you could feel the intimacy when you enter the place. Should try their Russian sliced beef (mmm..I forgot what it's called) and also they have the best lasagna!

Then we went to Rumah Mode, The Black Market, and such and such. Didn't get quite through to all the shops I want to go - esp the ones in Jl. Trunojoyo. Oh well, there's still a next time.
I was pretty satisfied on shopping materials and so shopping on clothes/shoes were less important. And plus, I'm saving my money to buy a new Melissa shoe. Or a Zara one.
Anyways, got back to Jakarta at 8pm - with a red eye. And that's about it. These are my findings! Bought some mounting boards, a sketchbook, some copics and drawing pens. Oh yeah, last but not least : BALSA WOODS!! hahahaha :) For the clothes, got an assymetrical dress from One and a Half, some korean branded jeans shirt, and some unbranded tanks and a dark blue harem pants! Since I have no blue harem, this one is perfect :)

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